The home serves to be one of the most valuable assets to every person. You must have shelled out a large amount of your hard earned money to purchase the dream home. You need to protect it from any kind of danger, right from natural hazards to manmade ones. If you are a resident of Los Angeles, then you should purchase the right insurance coverage.

A home insurance Los Angeles coverage also renders financial protection against expenses incurred because of injury or damage done by family members or pets. Even if your pet or family members cause damage to other people’s property, the Los Angeles homeowner’s insurance company will cover the expenses incurred.

The major types of insurance coverage offered by an insurance company are as follows:

  1. HO1- This type of coverage takes care of the expenses in the event of any internal or external damage done to the property due to lightning, fire, riot, theft, hail, vandalism, and so on.
  2. HO2- Apart from the coverage offered under HO1, this coverage gives you some extra protection from damages that are caused due to electrical surges, falling objects, freezing of water, snow, and so on.
  3. HO3- Under this special coverage, you can get protection for your home or personal possession if there is any detached structure, caused due to natural calamities like tornado, earthquake, war, flood, nuclear accident, and so on.
  4. HO4- If you are residing as a tenant, then this coverage is for you. It protects your tenant household and also your personal belongings against the damages caused by disasters in HO2.
  5. HO6- This coverage is enjoyed by the owners of condominium. It gives you protection against the damages as stated in HO2.
  6. HO8- If your house has some historic value and belongs to older home category, then this policy is for you. Under this policy, you will get the expenses coverage to repair the building and also the insured items.

Just like a flood insurance or auto insurance, you need to pay regular premiums to enjoy the various types of home insurance coverage. The amount of premium depends on several factors, as follows:

  1. Installation of security features: If you have installed security features in the house like burglar alarm, smoke detector, and such other gadgets, then the premium amount would be lower.
  2. Location of the house: The amount of premium varies from one location to another. If your house is located in such an area where the number of theft or vandalism is very high, then you need to shell out more money toward the premium amount. You also need to pay more if your house is situated in an earthquake prone area.

You need to select a reliable company that would offer the best affordable rates. You can take referrals from your neighbors and friends or can search online. Make sure the company has years of reputation in this sector and also go through online reviews and feedback posted by existing and previous insurers on the company policy and such other things.